Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Its Almost Spring...

As you may know, the first official day of Spring is on March 20, which is next Tuesday! We can hardly wait, because we are led to believe that mermaids may perhaps migrate to warmer areas during the winter, almost like geese or birds! It seems like an odd theory, although when you think about it, it sounds reasonable. I mean, how many times have you heard of or had any mermaid encounters during the cold winter?  Let us know what you think of our theory in a comment! Anyway, since Spring is coming, mermaids will be swimming back home for a while, which will increase the probability of mermaid sightings! Plus, we will be able to go back outside and near beaches and water! So when its warm enough where you live, try to go outside near any large body of water where you think mermaids may live, and either summon them or leave an offering! You can leave them jewelry, mirrors, gems, etc, right by the shore! Perhaps they will take a liking to you, and eventually trust you! You never know...

A Mermaid Beggining

Welcome to, "The Mystical Mermaid Realm!" Mermaids are truly wondrous creatures of beauty, which is exactly why we made this blog. We would like to inform as many people as possible of this highly misunderstood race. Our names are Alice, James, and Skye, and we are truly interested in finding out everything we can about merfolk. We know much about mermaids, and we would like to share our knowledge with the world! So swim into the mystical world of mermaids... if you believe. Also, make sure to check out our other site about fairies,